Interface SchemaFunctions<ValueT>

interface SchemaFunctions<ValueT> {
    allowNull: () => Schema<null | ValueT>;
    cloneValueAsync: AsyncCloner<ValueT>;
    deserializeAsync: AsyncDeserializer<ValueT>;
    not: <ExcludeT>(
        notSchema: Schema<ExcludeT>,
        options?: { expectedTypeName?: string },
    ) => Schema<Exclude<ValueT, ExcludeT>>;
    optional: () => Schema<undefined | ValueT>;
    serializeAsync: AsyncSerializer<ValueT>;
    setDescription: (description?: string) => this;
    setExample: (example?: string) => this;
    setPreferredValidationMode: (
        validationMode: SchemaPreferredValidationMode,
    ) => this;
    toString: () => string;
    validateAsync: AsyncValidator;

Type Parameters

  • ValueT


allowNull: () => Schema<null | ValueT>

Returns a new schema that requires that either this schema is satisfied or that the value is null.

cloneValueAsync: AsyncCloner<ValueT>

Deeply clones a value

deserializeAsync: AsyncDeserializer<ValueT>

Deserialize (and validate) a value

not: <ExcludeT>(
    notSchema: Schema<ExcludeT>,
    options?: { expectedTypeName?: string },
) => Schema<Exclude<ValueT, ExcludeT>>

Returns a new schema that requires that this schema is satisfied but that the specified schema cannot be satisfied.

optional: () => Schema<undefined | ValueT>

Returns a new schema that requires that either this schema is satisfied or that the value is undefined.

serializeAsync: AsyncSerializer<ValueT>

Serialize (and validate) a value

setDescription: (description?: string) => this

Sets (replaces) the description metadata for this schema and returns the same schema

setExample: (example?: string) => this

Sets (replaces) the example metadata for this schema and returns the same schema

setPreferredValidationMode: (
    validationMode: SchemaPreferredValidationMode,
) => this

Sets (replaces) the preferred validation mode for this schema and returns the same schema.

The lesser level of the preferred validation mode, which will be applied recursively depending on the depth parameter / unless further re-specified, and the specified validation mode, will be used, where the order is none < soft < hard.

Type declaration

    • (validationMode: SchemaPreferredValidationMode): this
    • Parameters

      • validationMode: SchemaPreferredValidationMode

        The preferred validation mode for this schema Special Values:

        • "initial" - use the initially specified validation mode for the current operation (ex. the validation field of the options parameter to deserialize).
        • "inherit" - use the closet applicable mode from an ancestor schema level.

      Returns this

toString: () => string

Makes a string representation of this schema, mostly for debugging

validateAsync: AsyncValidator

Validate a value