Interface PureSchema<ValueT>

A schema without any of the automatically added functions

interface PureSchema {
    description?: string;
    estimatedValidationTimeComplexity: number;
    example?: string;
    isContainerType: boolean;
    isOrContainsObjectPotentiallyNeedingUnknownKeyRemoval: boolean;
    preferredValidationMode: SchemaPreferredValidationMode;
    schemaType: "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "undefined" | "object" | "restrictedNumber" | "allowEmptyString" | "any" | "array" | "custom" | "date" | "null" | "record" | "regex" | "tuple" | "allOf" | "allowNull" | "deprecated" | "not" | "oneOf" | "optional" | "root" | "upgraded";
    usesCustomSerDes: boolean;
    valueType: ValueT;

Type Parameters

  • ValueT



description?: string

A description, which can be used by code generation tools to generate documentation

estimatedValidationTimeComplexity: number

An estimate of the time complexity for validating this element, which should be on the same order of the number of items to be validated

example?: string

An example, which can be used by code generation tools to generate documentation

isContainerType: boolean

If true, "shallow" ancestor validation mode preferences won't be used when this schemas validation mode preference is "inherit", like other built-in container types

isOrContainsObjectPotentiallyNeedingUnknownKeyRemoval: boolean

If true, this schema or any sub-elements have the potential to represent an object value that might need unknown-key removal

preferredValidationMode: SchemaPreferredValidationMode

The preferred validation mode for this schema.

The lesser level of the preferred validation mode, which will be applied recursively depending on the depth parameter / unless further re-specified, and the specified validation mode, will be used, where the order is none < soft < hard.

Special Values:

  • "initial" - use the initially specified validation mode for the current operation (ex. the validation field of the options parameter to deserialize).
  • "inherit" - use the closet applicable mode from an ancestor schema level.
schemaType: "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "undefined" | "object" | "restrictedNumber" | "allowEmptyString" | "any" | "array" | "custom" | "date" | "null" | "record" | "regex" | "tuple" | "allOf" | "allowNull" | "deprecated" | "not" | "oneOf" | "optional" | "root" | "upgraded"

The type of schema

usesCustomSerDes: boolean

If true, this schema or any sub-elements have a custom serializer-deserializer

valueType: ValueT

The actual value of this field is always undefined, but this should be used for determining the value type represented by this schema, ex. typeof someSchema.valueType

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