Interface CommonSchemaMeta

Optional schema meta commonly available on all schemas

interface CommonSchemaMeta {
    description?: string;
    example?: string;
    preferredValidationMode: SchemaPreferredValidationMode;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


description?: string

A description, which can be used by code generation tools to generate documentation

example?: string

An example, which can be used by code generation tools to generate documentation

preferredValidationMode: SchemaPreferredValidationMode

The preferred validation mode for this schema.

The lesser level of the preferred validation mode, which will be applied recursively depending on the depth parameter / unless further re-specified, and the specified validation mode, will be used, where the order is none < soft < hard.

Special Values:

  • "initial" - use the initially specified validation mode for the current operation (ex. the validation field of the options parameter to deserialize).
  • "inherit" - use the closet applicable mode from an ancestor schema level.