Interface UseValidatorArgs<DependenciesT>

interface UseValidatorArgs<DependenciesT extends WaitableDependencies> {
    deps?: DependencyList;
    disabledUntil?: ReadonlyBinding<any> | BindingArrayDependencies;
    disabledWhile?: ReadonlyBinding<any> | BindingArrayDependencies;
    disabledWhileUnmodified?: ReadonlyBinding<any> | BindingArrayDependencies;
    extraFinalizationCheckers?: (
        dependencyValues: InferRequiredWaitableAndBindingValueTypes<
        dependencies: DependenciesT,
        args: ValidationCheckerArgs,
    ) => TypeOrPromisedType<
        | undefined
        | ValidationChecker<
    id?: string;
    limitMode?: LimitMode;
    limitMSec?: number;
    limitType?: LimitType;
    priority?: number;
    queue?: RunQueue;

Type Parameters

  • DependenciesT extends WaitableDependencies


  • LimiterOptions
    • UseValidatorArgs


deps?: DependencyList

On a rerender, deps changes are treated like hard reset bindings changes.

disabledUntil?: ReadonlyBinding<any> | BindingArrayDependencies

If specified and the values of any of the specified bindings are not truthy, the validator is disabled and so it will always result in "validity"

disabledWhile?: ReadonlyBinding<any> | BindingArrayDependencies

If specified and the values of any of the specified bindings are truthy, the validator is disabled and so it will always result in "validity"

disabledWhileUnmodified?: ReadonlyBinding<any> | BindingArrayDependencies

If any of the specified bindings are unmodified, the validator is disabled and so it will always result in "validity".

Note: if updating the modification state of these bindings without updating their values, you will need to directly call reset on this validator, or explicitly call triggerChangeListeners on the bindings, when ready to revalidate, since modification state changes on bindings don't trigger change callbacks.

extraFinalizationCheckers?: (
    dependencyValues: InferRequiredWaitableAndBindingValueTypes<
    dependencies: DependenciesT,
    args: ValidationCheckerArgs,
) => TypeOrPromisedType<
    | undefined
    | ValidationChecker<

Extra validation that is only performed during finalization (see finalizeValidation)

id?: string

A technical, but human-readable ID, which isn't guaranteed to be unique

limitMode?: LimitMode

The limiter mode


limitMSec?: number

The duration to debounce/throttle for


limitType?: LimitType

The type of limiter


priority?: number

The priority


queue?: RunQueue

The queue

result of useDefaultQueue()