Interface Binding<GetType>

A binding is a stored piece of data that notifies registered listeners when changed.


interface Binding<GetType = any> {
    addChangeListener: (listener: ChangeListener) => ChangeListenerRemover;
    get: () => GetType;
    getChangeUid: () => string;
    id: string;
    isBinding: true;
    isLocked: () => boolean;
    isModified: () => boolean;
    lock: () => () => void;
    reset: () => void;
    set: (newValue: GetType) => void;
    setIsModified: (isModified: boolean) => void;
    setRaw: (newValue: GetType) => void;
    setValueTransformer?: SetValueTransformer<GetType>;
    triggerChangeListeners: () => void;
    uid: string;

Type Parameters

  • GetType = any

Hierarchy (View Summary)


addChangeListener: (listener: ChangeListener) => ChangeListenerRemover

Adds a listener that will be called when this binding changes.

Type declaration

useBindingEffect and BindingsConsumer

get: () => GetType

Type declaration

getChangeUid: () => string

Every time the value is changed, the change uid is updated

id: string

A technical, but human-readable ID, which isn't guaranteed to be unique

isBinding: true

A marker indicating that this is a binding type

isLocked: () => boolean

Type declaration

    • (): boolean
    • Returns boolean

      true if the binding is locked

isModified: () => boolean

Type declaration

    • (): boolean
    • Returns boolean

      true if this binding has been marked as being modified

lock: () => () => void

Increments the lock count and returns a method to decrement it. A binding is locked if its lock count is > 0. When a binding is locked, mutating calls (reset/set/setRaw) won't have an immediate effect. However, if a mutating call is made on a locked binding, the change will be applied once the binding becomes unlocked.

Type declaration

    • (): () => void
    • Returns () => void

      a function for decrementing this binding's lock count.

reset: () => void

Resets the binding back to its initial value and marks the binding as non-modified.

set: (newValue: GetType) => void

Sets the value, using the result of setValueTransformer if set, and then marks the binding as modified.

setIsModified: (isModified: boolean) => void

Sets the binding as having been modified or not

setRaw: (newValue: GetType) => void

Sets the internal value without transforming or marking as changed. Don't normally use this!

setValueTransformer?: SetValueTransformer<GetType>

If set, a function to transform the value before it's stored

triggerChangeListeners: () => void

Forcibly triggers the change listeners. Don't normally use this!

uid: string

An ID that's unique to this runtime