Requires the first specified schema but the second cannot be satisfied.
Note that the TypeScript compiler may not compute a useful exclusion type in some cases. For example, if ValueT is string and
ExcludedT is 'hello', the compile-time type of this schemas valueType field will be string since Exclude<string, 'hello'> is
still string. However, runtime validation will still be performed as expected, allowing, for example, any string except 'hello'.
Requires the first specified schema but the second cannot be satisfied.
Note that the TypeScript compiler may not compute a useful exclusion type in some cases. For example, if
, the compile-time type of this schemasvalueType
field will bestring
sinceExclude<string, 'hello'>
is stillstring
. However, runtime validation will still be performed as expected, allowing, for example, any string except'hello'